Sindhi Library

Library is an effective source of information of all kinds to be shared by people of all kinds. A Library is completely computerized only if the user, irrespective of background or knowledge, is able to access information available in the library from anywhere just by typing few letters / words Libsoft is a package designed and developed for effective management of library and the library in fully automated with Libsoft and looked after by a qualified Librarian. Library Advisory committee comprising heads of the departments gives timely suggestion for over all development of the library. As of now, the library has got collection of 29207 Volumes with titles of 8107, 31 national and international journals, 22 magazines and 13 Newspapers. A good number of books exclusively related to competitive exams are made available in the Library. Open Access system is adopted. Internet and reprography facilities are provide. The college ha subscribed to institutional membership to British council Library. E-resources can be accessed through INFLIBNET, faculty are also provided to access remote e-books. A separate book bank is provided for students belonging to SC/ST Categories.